Thursday 22 November 2018

9 Tempat Menarik di Dunia Yang Anda Mungkin Tak Pernah Dengar Tapi Patut Kunjungi

Tempat-tempat di bawah ini boleh dikatakan sebagai antara tempat yang RARE untuk dikunjungi oleh tourist, tapi pastinya patut diselinap masuk ke dalam travel itinerary anda! Seorang pengembara atau traveler yang sejati haruslah travel off the beaten track, atau dalam bahasa mudahnya, tempat terpencil, betul tak? So, jom kita lupakan sekejap tentang Eiffel Tower, The Empire State Building, kegemerlapan kota London pada waktu malam, dan malah Machu Picchu juga. Kita check out pula antara beberapa tempat-tempat lain yang sangat cantik dan agak rare yang anda patut kunjungi.
1. Lofoten Islands, Norway
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Pemandangan di sini tersangat-sangatlah cantik dan menakjubkan. Kalau pemandangannya sahaja tidak cukup bagi anda, di sini juga ada Røst Reef, iaitu terumbu karang air laut yang paling besar di dunia! Besar mana? Panjangnya sahaja sudah mencecah kira-kira 40 km, manakala lebarnya pula dalam 2-3 km. Memang besar gila!
2. Hinatuan River, Mindanao, Filipina
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Sungai berwarna biru picture-perfect ini sudah semakin dikenali, namun pelancong tidaklah sepadat di tengah bandar. Ianya merupakan tempat yang sangat ideal untuk berenang dan ber-snorkeling. Airnya yang sangat biru, bersih dan jernih memang sudah cukup memukau untuk membuatkan anda berasa seolah-olah berada di dunia fairytale. Malah, penduduk tempatan di situ juga menggelarkan sungai ini sebagai “Enchanted River”. Memang padan dengan namanya.
3. Aogashima, Jepun
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Pulau yang begitu hijau ini terletak beratus-ratus batu dari tanah besar Jepun dan didiami oleh hanya sekitar 200 orang penduduk sahaja . Ianya merupakan antara pulau gunung berapi yang paling cantik, dan yang paling menghairankan adalah betapa hijaunya pulau ini. Walaupun gunung berapi di pulau ini masih lagi aktif, tetapi kali terakhir ia meletus adalah pada sekitar tahu 1700-an. Entah bila lagi ia akan meletus, tiada siapa yang tahu. Yang pentik, pulau ini betul-betul memukau!
4. Lake Hillier, Australia Barat
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Australia boleh dikatakan sebagai sebuah negara yang mempunyai banyak tasik yang cantik-cantik, tetapi tiada satu pun yang sebegitu dramatik (dan sebesar) Lake Hillier. Tasik ini adalah kira-kira 600 meter panjang dan tiada siapa yang betul-betul tahu kenapa tasik ini berwarna pink. Menarik, kan?
5. Crooked Forest, West Pomerania, Poland
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Hutan ini dinamakan dengan nama ‘Crooked Forest’ kerana bentuk pokok-pokok pinusnya yang pelik. Kenapa dan macam mana pokok-pokok di sini boleh tumbuh melengkung, tiada siapa yang tahu sebab yang jelas. Memang pelik tapi pokok-pokok inilah yang menjadikan Crooked Forest ini sebagai satu pemandangan yang unik dan menakjubkan!
6. Tianzi Mountain Nature Reserve, Wulingyuan, China
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Rizab semulajadi ini merupakan ‘rumah’ kepada gunung-gunung yang cantik. Kira-kira dua ribu buah puncak ‘tumbuh’ di sekitar kawasan ini membentuk satu landskap yang kelihatan seperti gambaran seni di dalam sebuah novel fantasi. Puncak-puncaknya yang berbatu kelihatan begitu mysterious saat diselubungi kabus atau awan. Indah betul ciptaan Tuhan.
7. Huacachina, Peruvian Desert, Peru
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Kalau anda belum tau, kawasan di tengah-tengah padang pasir yang subur dan mempunyai air serta tumbuhan disebut sebagai oasis. Kedengaran macam impossible je, kan? Tapi tempat sebegini memang wujud. Dan salah satu oasis yang paling cantik di dunia ada di Peru! Memang wajib pergi kalau anda ke Peru.
8. Darvaza Gas Crater, Turkmenistan
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Darvaza Gas Crater ini sebenarnya merupakan medan gas asli di Derweze, Turkmenistan yang telah diruntuh ke dalam secara tidak sengaja oleh jurutera petrokimia Soviet, lalu menjadi sebuah kawah gas asli. Kawah ini kemudiannya telah dibakar untuk mencegah penyebaran gas metana, dan sejak itu, api di dalam kawah ini tidak pernah padam dan kawah ini terus terbakar sehinggalah hari ini. Kalau anda nak tau, kawah ini juga dikenali sebagai “the Door to Hell”, atau pintu ke neraka. Hmm memang nampak menakutkan..
9. Zhangye Danxia Landform, China
9 tempat menarik di dunia yang anda mungkin tak pernah dengar tapi patut kunjungi!
Pergunungan ini sangat berwarna-warni dan kelihatan seolah-olah diambil daripada sebuah lukisan. Sesiapa sahaja yang melihatnya pasti terpesona!

Tuesday 28 August 2018

Mount Kinabalu Makes It To Lonely Planet's Most Epic Hiking Trails List

  • Malaysia's highest peak, Mount Kinabalu, was recently named as having one of the most thrilling hikes in the world by Lonely Planet

  • 200 travel writers uncovered 50 of the best hiking trails in 30 countries... and our very own mountain in Sabah made the cut!

    • DailyMail revealed a sneak peek into the latest published edition of Epic Hikes of the World by Lonely Planet:

      "Incorporating tangled jungle, granite ridges and barren plateaux, traversing Borneo's highest and holiest mountain is a task that requires nerves - and legs - of steel," it read
  • Mount Kinabalu is recorded to be the 20th highest mountain in the world towering at 13,435 feet above sea level

    • It is Malaysia's first UNESCO World Heritage Site among others, such as Gunung Mulu National Park and Kinabalu Park. 

      With its breathtaking sunsets and majestic viewpoints, Mount Kinabalu attracts thousands of climbers annually. It is said that an average climber takes roughly two days to scale up and down the mountain.
  • Other hiking trails in Asia that also made the list were the 88 Sacred Temples of Shikoku Pilgrimage in Japan, the Markha Valley in India, and the Gubeikou to Jinshanling on the Great Wall of China

    • From one-day trails to month-long hikes, Lonely Planet brings to life some of the world's best mountain trails captured through the eyes of their travellers.

      Some other hikes recommended in the book are the 14 peaks of Snowdonia in Wales, Routeburn Track in New Zealand, and Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania.  
      • 939eImage via 7summitsproject
        Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano located in Tanzania.
      • 78cfImage via DailyMail
        Snowdonia in Wales consists of 14 peaks of over 3,000 feet in height.
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Wednesday 15 August 2018

Ipoh Listed Among Top 3 Best Coffee Towns In Asia By Lonely Planet

Out of 35 countries worldwide, Ipoh was named one of the top three spots for coffee in Asia
  • For all you coffee-lovers out there, Malaysia has "made it"! Ipoh has been named as one of the top three best coffee spots in Asia by Lonely Planet.

      • 7c0aImage via Pinterest
        I mean, how can we resist this cup of goodness?
    • International travel authority, Lonely Planet worked with coffee-obsessed travel writers and journalists who went on a mission to discover the finest cafes, espresso bars, roasteries and plantations in more than 35 countries around the world...
  • ... and our famous Ipoh white coffee successfully made the cut!

    • "Ipoh’s signature white coffee is famously hot, sweet and almost buttery in taste,"as stated in the Lonely Planet's Global Coffee Tour book that's packed with 150 coffee experiences, some of which include those from East Africa, to Cuba, and right down to Australia's cafes.
    • "For the authentic stuff, Sin Yoon Loong is adored for following the traditional recipe," the book recommended.
  • The second place listed as the best coffee spot is Chiang Mai, a mountainous city in northern Thailand

    • Coffee stalls can often be spotted on almost every street corner here.

      What's even more incredible is that their beans are produced from their very own local coffee farms.

      "Thailand’s northern city of temples has exploded with coffee shops, many having the added bonus of serving single-origin roasts grown within just an hour or two of the coffee shop itself."
  • Besides being one of the largest cities in the world and known for pioneering quirky fashion trends, Tokyo, Japan has also been named as one of the top three cities with the best coffee in Asia

    • "Japan has always embraced new trends, and coffee is no exception. Its capital is the place to go for the highest proliferation of third wave-style coffee shops, but be sure to round out your education with a visit to a traditional kissaten (tea-drinking shop)."
      • 4fc0

Monday 23 July 2018

Awan Berbentuk Topi Di Puncak Gunung Kinabalu

23 Julai 2018 - KOTA KINABALU: Pembentukan awan lentikular yang menyerupai kanta atau topi yang berlaku di puncak Gunung Kinabalu pagi semalam adalah fenomena biasa yang lazimnya terbentuk di sekitar gunung atau bukit.
Jurucakap Jabatan Meteorologi Sabah, berkata awan lentikular terbentuk akibat aliran udara lembap yang melalui penghalang seperti pergunungan hingga menyebabkan terjadinya pusaran yang membentuk awan berkenaan.
Di sekitar kawasan pembentukan awan ini kegeloraan angin agak kuat dan kencang. Lazimnya, keadaan ini berbahaya kepada pesawat yang melalui kawasan berkenaan.
"Bagaimanapun, ini adalah perkara biasa jika ada angin kencang dan ia tidak dikaitkan dengan mana-mana cuaca buruk. Ia seperti awan biasa cuma bentuknya seperti kanta," katanya ketika dihubungi NSTP di sini, hari ini.
Awan lentikular atau `lenticular clouds' adalah sejenis awan unik yang lazimnya terbentuk di sekitar bukit dan gunung akibat daripada hasil pergerakan udara di kawasan pergunungan.
Awan itu berbentuk seperti piring terbang raksasa atau sesuatu mirip seakan-akan 'pancake'.
Semalam, pembentukan awan lentikular di Gunung Kinabalu menjadi tumpuan khususnya orang ramai yang berada di sekitar Kundasang dan Pekan Nabalu, selain Kota Belud yang dapat melihat awan itu dengan jelas.
PEMBENTUKAN awan lentikular. - Foto viral media sosial
Ia turut viral di media sosial apabila mendapat perkongsian yang begitu banyak.
Sementara itu, Pengerusi Persatuan Malim Gunung Kinabalu, Junaydie Sihan, berkata pembentukan awan itu adalah fenomena biasa.
"Orang sini panggil awan itu sebagai sirung nabalu atau sigar nabalu (topi tradisional) berdasarkan bentuknya menyerupai penutup kepala (topi) tradisional masyarakat Kadazandusun.
"Bagaimanapun, bagi penduduk sekitar Kundasang dan Pekan Nabalu, kejadian itu adalah tanda-tanda akan berlaku kemarau," katanya.
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Monday 16 July 2018

Perancis Juara Piala Dunia Russia 2018

15 Julai 2018 - Ahad - MOSCOW: Perancis menjuarai Piala Dunia FIFA 2018 Rusia apabila menundukkan Croatia 4-2 di pentas akhir pada Ahad.
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Les Blues menjulang piala keramat itu buat kali kedua sejak kali terakhir 20 tahun yang lepas pada 1998. Final kali ini menyaksikan enam gol dari kedua-dua pasukan dimulakan dengan gol jaringan sendiri Mario Mandzukic apabila sepakan percuma Antoine Griezmann pada minit ke-18 terkena kepalanya.
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Tidak lama kemudian Croatia menyamakan kedudukan menerusi Ivan Perisic dengan rembatan kaki kiri pada minit ke-28. Dari hero ke zero, Perisic kemudian menjadi punca Perancis mendapat gol kedua apabila bola terkena tangannya dalam kawasan penalti sendiri.

Buat pertama kalinya pengadil bantuan video (VAR) digunakan di pentas final, dan penalti disempurnakan Antoine Griezmann pada minit ke-38.
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Gol ketiga skuad kendalian Didier Deschamps hadir pada babak kedua minit ke-59 menerusi Paul Pogba yang merembat bola dalam kekalutan pertahanan Croatia untuk mematikan langkah penjaga gol, Danijel Subasic.
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Enam minit kemudian, Kylian Mbappe mengukir sejarah sebagai remaja kedua selepas Pele menjaringkan gol di pentas final pada edisi 1958, dengan meledak gol keempat Perancis.
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Croatia sekadar mampu merapatkan kedudukan apabila kesilapan penjaga gol Perancis, Hugo Lloris dibaca Mario Mandzukic untuk ditampan masuk ke jaring sebagai gol kedua Croatia.
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Kedudukan 4-2 kekal hingga ke tiupan wisel penamat untuk Les Blues gah dinobatkan sebagai juara dunia.

Monday 2 July 2018

Where To See The Mesmerizing Midnight Sun

If you’re one of those people who dreams of summer sunshine all year long, the midnight sun is nature’s gift you won’t want to miss. The natural phenomenon brings extended hours of sunshine to certain destinations across the globe this time of year.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Yukon, Canada
Thanks to its remote location, Yukon is home to miles upon miles of unspoiled wilderness. Midnight sun extends throughout the entirety of the territory, giving you the chance to enjoy everything from hiking and biking to music festivals, river paddling, and mountaintop picnics while soaking up the long hours of sun.
The further north you go, the longer you can expect your days to be, and Travel Yukon says the area’s wildlife roaming across its rugged plateaus under a golden light makes for quite the sight.
Source: Travel+Leisure
While the midnight sun arrives first and stays longest in Greenland’snorthernmost towns (like Qaanaaq, Upernavik, and Uummannaq), its southernmost towns still experience nearly 20 hours between their sunrise and sunset in the summer.
The midnight sun lasts from April through late August in the north and from early June to mid-July in its towns located near the Arctic Circle, according to representatives from Greenland’s tourism board.
Most towns offer specialized nighttime activities to take advantage of the phenomenon, such as in Ilulissat, where you can paddle through waters dotted with icebergs at the Ilulissat Icefjord.
Source: Travel+Leisure
St. Petersburg, Russia
Comprised of more than 45 islands connected by hundreds of bridges, St. Petersburg offers a mystical charm during its “white nights” in the summer, when the midnight sun leaves the city and its ornate architectural gems cloaked in golden light.
The city even has a festival in honor of the occasion, Stars of the White Nights, which incorporates over 200 performances and concerts by renowned opera and ballet companies, symphonies, and chamber orchestras, drawing revelers who leave the Mariinsky Theater at midnight to stroll the city’s sun-soaked streets.
Stars of the White Nights runs from May through July 29 this year, and St. Petersburg’s white nights typically start in May and last through late June or early July.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Hammerfest, Norway
Much of northern Norway experiences midnight sun, giving the country the nickname “the land of the midnight sun.”
As one of the northernmost cities in the world, Hammerfest is a prime location for experiencing the phenomenon, whether you’re looking to take a nighttime sightseeing cruise or watch thousands of reindeer roam around the area.
Many attractions are open in the evenings during the week, including everything from midnight golfing and cycling to paddling and kayaking.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Svalbard, Norway
The midnight sun lasts the longest in the archipelago of Svalbard, from late April through late August.
That means you can enjoy midnight glacier walks, dog sledding against a dramatic red sky, and plenty of polar bear sightings throughout Longyearbyen.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia
If you’re in search of a destination that’s packed with adventure but not people, head to Russia’s Kamchatka peninsula. The peninsula, which extends over 104,000 square miles, is largely unpopulated and home to rivers, lakes, gulfs, bays, and a staggering concentration of volcanoes.
Its central valley, which surrounds the Kamchatka River, is where you’ll find two parallel volcanic ranges with some 120 volcanoes. Summit climbs in the midnight sun make for an unforgettable trek.
You can also choose from a range of rail journeys and cruises that combine Kamchatka with additional midnight sun destinations.
Source: Travel+Leisure
While the peak of the midnight sun in Iceland falls on the summer solstice, typically on June 21, you’ll be able to see the phenomenon anywhere in the country from around mid-May to Mid-August.
On the longest days of the year, which run from May to July, the daylight can last up to 24 hours a day, and cities like Reykjavik celebrate with events like the Secret Solstice festival, where you can party on glaciers and lagoons under endless sunlight.
In Reykjavik, you can also take midnight sun whale watching, dolphin watching, and seabird spotting tours. Exploring the country by car in the summer also means you’ll avoid the crowds and weather restrictions that can make locations like the Icelandic Highlands and Westfjords difficult to get to in winter.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Lapland, Finland
Finland is another destination known to come alive with the arrival of the midnight sun, so much so that locals often retreat to cottages just to enjoy the country’s spectacular nature during this time.
The Finnish midnight sun is known to take on a red and yellow hue, similar to what you’d see during sunset, and representatives from Finland’s tourism board recommend you take a nocturnal swim or try out one of the country’s famed saunas for a dip you’ll never forget. Finland’s lakes also warm up in June, making for a much more pleasant swim.
The Midnight Sun Film Festival is another reason to visit Finnish Lapland during this exciting time.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Bjorkliden, Sweden
In the Swedish Lapland, you’ll be able to experience the midnight sun from late May through mid-July.
For a memorable round of golf, head to Bjorkliden, where the Bjorkliden Arctic Golf Course offers around-the-clock golfing in the sun.
A snow resort in the winter, Bjorkliden transforms into an outdoor lover’s paradise in the summer with hikes, cave explorations, kayaking, and fishing. Meanwhile, the Swedish Lapland is also home to midnight sun activities that range from music festivals and horseback riding to fly fishing and late-night bay paddling.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Fairbanks, Alaska
As the U.S. state with the most sunlight in the spring and summer, Alaska is the ultimate domestic destination for catching the midnight sun.
In Fairbanks, the prolonged sunshine makes extraordinary farmers’ markets possible, stocked with fresh produce and homemade jams and seasonings.
Each year, the city’s downtown celebrates the Midnight Sun Festival, a 12-hour event filled with live music, activities like dog sledding, performances, and hundreds of booths selling food, crafts, and souvenirs. Each year, the city also celebrates the summer solstice with 24 hours of baseball games throughout the city.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Riga, Latvia
Riga makes a great starting point for any visit to Latvia, national tourism board representatives told Travel + Leisure, and summer is the time to see it in a new light under the midnight sun.
The country celebrates the summer solstice each year with the J??i festival, where revelers can enjoy local cheeses and beer. While in Riga, be sure to check out nearby beach towns like J?rmala, located just 25 minutes away and known for healing mineral waters and spas.
Latvia is also celebrating its 100th year in 2018, so you can expect plenty of celebratory events, like the Song and Dance Festival, taking place from June 30 to July 9.
Source: Travel+Leisure
Source: Travel+Leisure
Bonus: Take a Midnight Sun Cruise
If you’re looking to hit multiple stops to experience midnight sun, there’s a wide variety of cruises to choose from.
For example, Viking Cruises’ Into the Midnight Sun Cruise takes you through the fjords of Norway and Scotland’s Shetland and Orkney Islands, while Azamara Club Cruises’ Norway and Midnight Sun Voyage takes you on a tour of Norway before ending in Edinburgh, Scotland.

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