Wednesday 30 April 2014

Pendakian Gunung Tahan, Pahang

Pendakian Gunung Tahan, Pahang, trek Merapoh-Tahan-Merapoh (64Km return)
1.5.2014 (Khamis ) hingga 6.5.2014 (Selasa) - 6 hari
Anjuran Kelab Kebajikan dan Sukan, Kementerian Dalam Negeri
akan diupdate pengalaman apabila selesai program nanti....

Monday 14 April 2014

Khasiat Tempe

Sepotong tempe mengandungi berbagai unsur yang berkhasiat seperti karbohidrat, lemak, protein, serat, vitamin, enzim, daidzein, genisten, serta komponen antibakteria yang bermanfaat untuk kesihatan. Selain itu, tempe juga meningkatkan nilai pengambilan gizi harian kita, seperti kadar vitamin B2, vitamin B12, niasin, dan asam pantorenat. Hasil daripada analisis, gizi tempe menunjukkan kandungan niasin sebanyak 1.13 mg/100 gram berat tempe yang dapat dimakan. Bukan sahaja senang didapati malahan cara penyediaannya juga mudah. Rasanya amalan memakan tempe untuk menu diet anda amat berbaloi. 

Ikuti sepuluh fakta ringkas mengenai pemakanan tempe seperti berikut:

1. Protein yang terdapat dalam tempe sangat tinggi dan ia mudah dicerna baik untuk mengatasi diare (Elak keracunan) 

2. Mengandungi zat besi, flafoid yang bersifat antioksidan mampu menurunkan tekanan darah yang mana elok untuk mereka yang menghidapi darah tinggi. 

3. Mengandungi superoksida desmutase yang dapat mengendalikan radikal bebas, baik bagi penderita sakit jantung. 
4. Penderita anemia (masalah berat badan). Anemia dikesan apabila kadar hemoglobin rendah kerana kurang zat besi (Fe), tembaga (Cu), zink (Zn), protein, asam folat dan vitamin B12, di mana unsur-unsur tersebut terkandung dalam tempe. 

5. Anti infeksi. Hasil soal selidik menunjukkan bahawa tempe mengandungi agen anti bakteria yang dihasilkan oleh karang tempe (R. Oligosporus) merupakan antibiotik yang mengurangkan risiko jangkitan kuman. 

6. Daya hipokolesterol. Kandungan asam lemak padat pada tempe bersifat dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol. Jika anda tidak gemar memakan oat, boleh cuba cara ini! 

7. Memiliki sifat anti oksidan, menolak kanser. 

8. Mencegah masalah gizi berlebihan (akibat kekurangan dan kelebihan gizi) beserta berbagai penyakit yang berkaitan, baik jangkitan ataupun degeneratif. 

9. Mencegah timbulnya hypertension (Simpton cepat marah). 

10. Kandungan kalsiumnya yang tinggi, tempe dapat mencegah osteoporosis. Dalam erti kata lain, tempe bagus untuk tulang. Jika anda kurang gemar meminum susu, amalkan pengambilan tempe di dalam menu diet anda.

Friday 11 April 2014

Some Popular Billionaires Who Don't Have A Degree

There has always been a debate about the relation between the degree one possesses and the level of success he achieves. There are two different school of thoughts where one says university degree has no relation to the amount of wealth you own while the other school of thought has an opposite opinion. We bring to you some billionaires who don’t have a college degree and leave it to you decide which school of thought do you belong to.  do let us know what are your thoughts about it by leaving a comment.

Renungan Jumaat - Sentiasalah Bersangka Baik

Perasaan hasad, dengki, ujub dan riyak adalah perasaan kotor yang ada di dalam hati manusia kecuali Rasulullah SAW yang telah dicuci hatinya semasa peristiwa Israk dan Mikraj. Berikut adalah tips dari Syeikh Abdulkadir Al Jailani untuk sentiasa bersangka baik sesama insan.
Jika engkau bertemu dengan seseorang, maka yakinilah bahawa dia lebih baik darimu. Ucapkan dalam hatimu :
"Mungkin kedudukannya di sisi Allah jauh lebih baik dan lebih tinggi dariku".

Jika bertemu anak kecil, maka ucapkanlah (dalam hatimu) :
"Anak ini belum bermaksiat kepada Allah, sedangkan diriku telah banyak bermaksiat kepadaNya. Tentu anak ini jauh lebih baik dariku"..

Jika bertemu orang tua, maka ucapkanlah (dalam hatimu):
"Dia telah beribadah kepada Allah jauh lebih lama dariku, tentu dia lebih baik dariku."

Jika bertemu dengan seorang yang berilmu, maka ucapkanlah (dalam hatimu):
"Orang ini memperoleh kurnia yang tidak akan kuperolehi, mencapai kedudukan yang tidak akan pernah kucapai, mengetahui apa yang tidak kuketahui dan dia mengamalkan ilmunya, tentu dia lebih baik dariku."

Jika bertemu dengan seorang yang bodoh, maka katakanlah (dalam hatimu) :
"Orang ini bermaksiat kepada Allah kerana dia bodoh (tidak tahu), sedangkan aku bermaksiat kepadaNya padahal aku mengetahui akibatnya.
Dan aku tidak tahu bagaimana akhir umurku dan umurnya kelak. Dia tentu lebih baik dariku."

Jika bertemu dengan orang kafir, maka katakanlah (dalam hatimu) :
"Aku tidak tahu bagaimana keadaannya kelak, mungkin di akhir usianya dia memeluk Islam dan beramal soleh. Dan mungkin boleh jadi di akhir usia diriku kufur dan berbuat buruk.

Thursday 10 April 2014

5 Foods To Make You Smarter

Got a big exam coming up, a difficult problem to solve, or just fancy adding a few points to your IQ? Then try adding these foods to your shopping basket to give your brain a boost.

Brain boosting food 1: Oily fish
Brain boosting food 1: Oily fish 
If you struggle to remember what day it is or what you had for dinner an hour ago, consider stocking up on the ultimate brain food, oily fish. Omega-3 fatty acids – found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines – are invaluable for just about every part of our body, and it seems our brains are no different. Researchers from the University of Kuopio in Finland found that eating oily fish three times a week reduces the risk of brain problems by 26 per cent and prevents against memory loss.

Brain boosting food 2: Dark, leafy greens
Brain boosting food 2: Dark, leafy greens
Dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale and broccoli are packed with antioxidants, including vitamin C and beta-carotene, which are essential to keep your body and brain in good health. They are also a good source of folate, which can help to speed up information processing and memory recall. Research results published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition also indicated that the folate found in leafy green vegetables can help to protect against cognitive decline in old age.

Brain boosting food 3: Eggs
Brain boosting food 3: Eggs
Egg yolks are nutritional powerhouses packed with many vitamins and minerals essential for good brain function.  This cheap and versatile ingredient is a good source of iron, which is essential for creating red blood cells which carry oxygen to the brain, helping to keep your mental faculties sharp and to keep you alert and focused. Eggs are also a good source of vitamin B12 – a deficiency of which can lead to memory loss and confusion – and iodine, which has been shown to improve problem-solving abilities even in only mildly deficient children.

Brain boosting food 4: Green tea
Brain boosting food 4: Green tea
As your brain is made up of around 80 per cent water, keeping it properly hydrated is vital for helping it to function at optimum levels. However, if you’re not a fan of regular water, swapping it for a cup of green tea could have added benefits for your brain. A Korean study has found that green tea can help to increase mental alertness and enhance your memory. Researchers have also found that the antioxidants found in green tea can help to protect the brain and reduce risk of dementia.

Brain boosting food 5: Chocolate
Brain boosting food 5: Chocolate
No, it’s not just wishful thinking – chocolate really is good for you! While chomping on bars of milk chocolate is unlikely to improve your IQ score, dark chocolate is rich in brain-boosting chemicals, called flavonoids, which can enhance your cognitive skills. Research has found that flavonoids induce the creation of new neurons in the brain and also improve their ability to form new memories. Studies also show that flavonoids improve blood flow to the brain. One study of adult women found that when given flavonoid-rich chocolate drinks, the blood flow to participants' brains increased within two hours and they performed better on a complex mental task.

Tuesday 8 April 2014

A To Z Superfoods To Eat Yourself Younger

Top therapist and dietician Marisa Peer takes you through an alphabet of anti-ageing foods. Want to look younger? Well, if we really are what we eat, wise food choices can lead to a younger, healthier body, as well as boosting vitality and improving mental agility.

Top therapist and dietician Marisa Peer has devised an A to Z of superfoods, packed full of essential nutrients to allow you to age without feeling or looking older. "These wonder-foods include the vitamins, supernutrition and antioxidants that are essential to antiageing," says Marisa, whose new book You Can Be Younger, is published this week.
"The list is not meant to replace your diet, but to help ensure you always include them in your meals. And the more of these foods you include, the healthier you will be. In just a few weeks, you can look and feel 10 years younger."

a is for avocado

One of the best foods of all, avocado contains more potassium (which lowers blood pressure) than bananas. It is also rich in glutathione, which protects the body from toxins, helps neutralise bad fat and is the most powerful antioxidant, fighting the free-radical damage to cells that accompanies ageing.

b is for broccoli

Truly a superfood, broccoli boosts the immune system and contains more calcium than any other vegetable. It also has properties that fight bone loss and cancer. Rich in iron and folic acid, it contains quercetin, which protects against heart disease and heart attacks.

c is for carrot

 Carrots lower cholesterol and their orange pigment boosts immune function and protects against cancer and strokes. Their high levels of vitamin A are excellent for maintaining healthy skin and they're really are good for eyesight - the betacarotene in them protects eyes from diseases that occur with ageing.

d is for dark chocolate

This treat is full of antioxidants, which fight ageing and cell damage. Dark chocolate also contains vitamin B6 and tryptophan, which converts to serotonin, a chemical that helps fight depression.

e is for egg

The most complete food on the planet after breast milk, eggs contain every amino acid the body needs. They're a great source of lutein, which protects against macular eye degeneration - the most common cause of blindness in the UK. You can safely eat eggs every day.

f is for fish

Omega 3 oils  found in salmon, tuna, sardines and herrings may slow damage to your DNA and protect against inflammation and other ageing processes. Omega 3 oils also have blood-thinning properties that protect arteries and lower blood pressure.

g is for garlic

This helps to maintain blood circulation and oxygenated blood helps keen skin, hair and nails strong and healthy. Garlic also contains many antioxidants, is a natural antibiotic and decongestant and lowers cholesterol.

h is for honey

 Organic coldpressed honey has a very healing effect. As a sugar, only a small amount is needed, so take no more than half a teaspoon a day. Heating honey causes it to lose essential vitamins, so don't put it in hot drinks or cook with it

i is for iceberg lettuce

Iceberg lettuce fights harmful free radicals and boosts the immune system because it contains manganese, magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. It also protects your heart, lowers cholesterol and protects against viral infections.

j is for Japanese tea

Japanese green tea is full of anti-ageing antioxidants and contains methylxanthines that boost metabolism, help burn fat more rapidly, especially around the stomach, and also lowers cholesterol.

K is for Kombucha Tea
Kombucha Tea. Fermented and packed with antioxidants, just one or two cups a day is an inexpensive way of taking all the antioxidants you need to age well. You can buy it in bags, as lose tea or grow your own at home.

L is for Legumes
Sprouted grains, millet, buckwheat, barley and lentils all contain saponin, which can slow the growth of tumours. Lentils, pulses and grains are all foods high in antioxidants, magnesium, vitamins B and E and are a good source of protein.

m is for mackerel

Mackerel is an inexpensive oily fish high in essential oils, vitamins and minerals and rich in Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. These "good" fats help with hormone balance and ensure that the skin stays hydrated.

n is for nuts

The skin of nuts is full of anti-ageing flavonoids. And all nuts are full of protein, fibre, essential fats and many vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, which improves recall.

o is for onions

Anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral, onions are also full of digestive enzymes that detoxify and boost the immune system. Red onions are by far the best.

p is for parsley

 A great inner cleanser, parsley is full of vitamins C and A and some B, as well as iron, calcium and potassium. Parsley is a natural diuretic and some nutritionists regard it as one of the most powerful foods on earth.

q is for quinoa

 A rice-like seed, quinoa is an energy-sustaining food eaten by many top athletes. It is considered a super-food because it contains all eight essential amino acids and is rich in calcium and iron.

r is for

Red fruit and veg like raspberries, strawberries, red peppers, red cabbage, red broccoli and red onions are preferable to green varieties as they have so many more powerful antioxidants that can fight heart disease and prostate cancer and minimise stroke risk and degeneration of the eyes.

s is for spinach

Full of antioxidants, spinach can help deter stroke, cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure. Spinach is among the top 10 super-foods because it contains lutein and zeaxanthin, which are both thought to be especially strong anti-ageing compounds.

t is for tomatoes
Tomatoes contain quercetin and the antioxidant lycopene, which is proven to be a super-efficient, free-radical scavenger and preserves mental and physical functions in elderly people. Lycopene protects against age-related cell damage and 10 servings a week can reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men by 35%.

u is for uncooked veg

Uncooked VegCooking your vegetables can destroy many nutrients. Steaming veg or boiling in less water preserves nutrients. Eat raw veg as often as you can and lightly cook at other times.

v is for vegetables

All veg  are wonder foods. Go for deep green, richly red or purple or bright orange and yellow to get the maximum amount of antioxidants and vitamins for your body. Veg have a high water content and when you eat water-based food as opposed to drinking water, your body keeps the water for longer.

w is for walnuts
A great source of copper, walnuts can stop hair turning grey and help it retain its natural colour longer.

x is for xylitol

The safest and best natural zero-calorie sweetener around, xylitol not only has none of the risk factors associated with artificial sweeteners, but it also helps to re-mineralise teeth and is a favourite of dentists.

y is for yellow fruits and veg

Grapefruits, melons, pineapple, lemons, squash and turnips have high antioxidant content, which helps to detoxify the body. The more richly yellow, the richer the antioxidant content. Grapefruits also contain compounds that lower blood pressure, reduce plaque in the arteries and help lower cholesterol.

z is for zucchini

Thinly slice zucchini (courgettes) to use in place of pasta as a base with sauce for meat or fish so you avoid the starchy pasta carbs that can cause inflammation and excess weight because of the high sugar content.
You Can Be Younger, by Marisa Peer, is released on Thursday, priced £11.18, from
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